February 20, 2012

What Day is It?

Well we've gotten a little bit behind haven't we!?

The last post was 10 days before the launch - and now we've had two services since then. For an update on the service, check out the post here. It was an awesome launch - most fun I've had at church, maybe ever!

Yesterday was the second Sunday for Turning Point Church and we had familiar faces for this Sunday as people came back. Not sure what the count was at this point - will update with that later.

As we near March, activities will be gearing back up again:

March 4th - Newcomers Meal will kick off the monthly rotation of Next Steps. For those who haven't joined Turning Point yet, Next Steps 101 will take care of that process. The other Next Steps will direct you on how to plug into the church and get involved, including a spiritual gifts/personality survey and meeting with a pastor.

March will also be the kick off of Connect Groups, the small groups that will make up our church. As of right now, we'll plan to meet at the Cooper's house on a weekly basis. A reminder that childcare will not be provided regularly. As we all previously talked about, we'll be taking part in some service opportunities that will hopefully include the whole family.

The book we are going to be going through is starting out good - I'm on Chapter 2 so far. The author, Mark Batterson, is a church planter with a growing congregation in Washington, DC. In the first two chapters, he has looked at some scripture that goes unnoticed by most of us. Reading the book, I can already tell it is going to be challenging to the aspect of control we all feel like we should have, need to have and "do have" (parenthetical because we're not really in control.....). The book is about risks, and the idea that the stakes are often high when God's involved because how else are people going to know it was Him and not us? He takes the ante up to humanly impossible and we get to see Him show up to make things happen.

Anyway - we are excited to get back to our group meeting regularly, catch up and start and new book. Take this opportunity to invite people to church or small group or both. Sometimes a smaller group seems more comfortable, and for others being able to blend in at first at church is their preference. Either way, just ask!

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