February 2, 2012

Make the Ask


Just wanted to make sure you were aware....

With only 10 days to go, we want to push and encourage you to "make the ask" to people to join us for the launch.
Things are coming together very nicely. Training/practice went well this past Sunday. If you are scheduled to serve during launch season and weren't able to make this training, please follow up with your leader/director/champion to see about getting together with them to go over what you missed. Obviously, things come up, but it's imperative that everyone be on the same page before the launch. We don't want to get in the way of what God is going to do!

That said, this Sunday is Preview Sunday. This will be a regular Sunday service. Child care will be provided. Remember there is a new registration process in place for Kidzpoint, so you may want to come a little early for that. Service will start at 10am.

Last Sunday was AWESOME during worship. The worship band rocked it out. Will sweat all over the place. And I'm confident in saying God was pleased. It's amazing to see the Holy Spirit moving in our church.

Now that we're caught up - again, I want to encourage you to make the ask. Pop the question. Whatever. Just ask people to come. We want a great turn out. As Josh mentioned at the leadership meeting last night, really the 2nd Sunday is scarier because we typically can expect to retain about 60% of those who come on the launch Sunday. Given those statistics, we want there to be a ton of people the first Sunday. 

This Sunday, grab some of the postcards, the invite cards, the water bottles, the pens, etc. And hand them out to everyone. I wished I had had something to give the cashier at Walmart the other day. I don't know if I would be brave enough to do it, but I definitely thought about it. I'm telling you, people are excited and we haven't even launched yet. 

Something Wes and I discussed was challenging the small group to invite 2 neighbors (2 houses, not people). That's been one thing we have wanted to do and plan to do this week. He has met most of them once, but I haven't. And it's tough when it's the winter months to see people outside. But we're going to do it. You should too. Bring somebody! 

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