February 29, 2012

Opportunity Knocks

Well I had to take off the winter background because obviously, winter is never coming. And with the forecast for 68º on Friday, I'm okay with that. We'll go ahead and spring forward and with us moving into the spring, it's time for new opportunities!

With the launch of Turning Point Church, our small group or Connect group will be pursuing some new things as well. We'll be meeting weekly, studying new books and even serving outside the group. This new start is the perfect time to invite new people to join the group as well. I know some people can't attend weekend services because of work, but could come to the group during the week. MAKE THE ASK.

As you meet new people at church, they would probably prefer to attend something they were personally invited to and are at least going to know one person there - you! 

We're excited about the new book, the new schedule and meeting new people as well - hopefully you are ready to seize the new opportunities God is putting in front of us.

On another note, mentioning new people: the Newcomer's Meal, the first of many, is at 6pm this Sunday at the church. We'll be sharing a meal together and hearing more about Turning Point, and obviously hanging out with others we might not have met yet. Come join us for the meal and meet some people!

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