January 19, 2012

Lost People Matter To God

Apparently only one group of lost people is important to the world wide web...and that's a TV show!

Nonetheless, I wanted to update you all on what we talked about at the last small group gathering as well as information given at the Launch Meetings on Wednesday nights. BY THE WAY, if you're not coming on Wednesday nights, you should! Last night was AWESOME - Alex led us in some prayer activities - which having someone to guide you in different ways to pray/what to pray for is very helpful for me. I notoriously start a to-do list during prayer and this helped me focus and for lack of a less cheesy way to say it - I really felt the power of prayer. Wes and I have been trading off Wednesday's so one of us can go each week.

Not in any sort of order but just to get the information out there to all:

-Our small group will be moving to weekly meetings, be adding a service component to our purpose and, for the most part, not be providing childcare at the host home for the gathering. It was never really meant to be something that the Cooper's (Wes' parents) were supposed to do each time we met, but they fortunately have. However, they have other commitments at church as well, and moving to weekly, it's just not feasible. PRAY ABOUT THIS - don't just think, oh well we have no options - give it to God.
- Wes offered a challenge to families to start brainstorming ways/places/people to serve that are family friendly, to cut down on the times you have to get childcare. And so we can start early in setting an example for our kids.
-Small groups will look a little different after the launch. There will be more groups and there will be defined time periods for the groups. That way you can try other groups, to meet new people or study a new subject or just to fit any schedule changes you might have. 
-Wes offered a challenge to personally evaluate your commitment level to the small group: are you praying for the people in the group regularly? for the leader? what about your attendance? preparedness?

Okay - I think that covers the small group.

Next would be church information:

- The official launch of Turning Point Church is at 10am on 2/12/12. It's been out there for all to know, but just wanted to reiterate this. We want you all to be there. We want you to invite people to be there as well. ANYONE and EVERYONE. The Launch team leaders had to commit a list of 5 people to Josh/Alex that they would be inviting to the launch. Additionally, they're all fasting from something for 21 days to refocus on God, to eliminate distractions, to remind ourselves that we need Him for any of this to work. 
- I know many people have felt they want to serve but aren't sure where/how. Right now, in our Launch Season (first 2 months), I encourage you to simply ask Alex or Josh or any of the Champions or Directors or Team Leaders where they need help. Until we grow as a congregation, our pool for servants is small. So right now, it IS a bigger commitment because there are only a few of us. But as we grow, your goal will always be to replace yourself - as in, find more people to serve and mentor them in that area.
- The kids area has been experiencing some physical changes - what it looks like, new screens, etc. The sanctuary floor got a new coat of paint. The children's registration area has a new system set up for efficient registration. We're so fancy!
- On January 29th, we will be having a Practice Service at 10am.  This is for ANYONE who is SERVING any where at any time, I believe. Therefore, if you've shown interest in a team, your leader will be letting you know the details for your team. 

OH MY GOODNESS - that was a lot of information. But it's exciting, right? I'm so pumped for this thing to get off the ground. To meet new people from the area. To see people's lives changed by Christ. If we try to work this all out, it will just be work; but if we pray, God will work it out and it will be magnificent beyond what we can even picture or hope for. 

Last night we looked at Acts 2. So many church plants aim for being an "Acts 2" church. That is, having 3000 added to the body. They were filled with the Holy Spirit. They prayed. They listed to the apostle's teachings. They gave up everything to meet anyone's needs. And the last verse of the chapter - the Lord added to them daily those who were being saved. Make that your prayer. 

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