April 25, 2012

Is This For Real?

It's been awhile. Again. So here goes the random information/updates/commentary.

I don't know about you but I've been so blessed by the happenings at TurningPoint. Daily, weekly, monthly. I, personally, have found my sweet spot for serving. And love it! I'm being challenged to develop a personal growth plan for leadership through our leadership meetings. I'm meeting new, and very sweet and dear friends that surprise you for your birthday. Two ARE better together. I am loving getting to hear the kids come out from Kidzpoint after service simply raving about how much fun they had in Elementary/Junior. I'm enjoying learning from the leaders around me as well.

God is teaching me through His word, His leaders, through required scripture memorization and educational reading, through the example of those I serve with and those that are in leadership positions, through my husband, through meeting new people and expanding my comfort zone. I can honestly say I've had genuine and awesome worship by myself on my way to work, and on Sunday morning at our service. I say all of this to say that, for sure, church isn't boring!

Our connect group has been growing/changing/growing through the Snow, Pit, Lion book we've been reading. I talked about it a bit on my personal blog, as it's challenged me to a life change. People are finally admitting their secret dreams/passions out loud. People are sharing their faith with family members. People are loving on other people. People are becoming better, and pursuing the best for themselves, as they know that God's way is way better than anything they've done themselves or could do on their own. There is nothing better than seeing God working in people's lives!

At our last leadership meeting, we got to hear the numbers:

Average weekly attendance: 177 (200 people last week, 45 in the kids ministry)
Average weekly giving: over $4000
If everybody who comes in one month all came to one service, we wouldn't be able to fit everyone in the auditorium. A regular attender, at this stage in a church life, is someone who comes twice a month. In other words, we have way more people that are regular attenders than you see on one Sunday morning. God is so good and it's so fun to be a part of His work.
This Sunday may prove to be the "biggest Sunday ever" at TurningPoint Church, if you've accepted the invitation/joined the group on Facebook. Tshirts to the first 200 people. A surprise of some sort as well. I'm sure if we've got big things planned, God's will definitely one-up ours. I'm excited to be there for the excitement!

As always, make the ask. I'm in awe of the people who wouldn't come before, but are coming to church now. Family members, especially. Sons, cousins, and parents. I. Love. It.

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