April 15, 2012

Catching Up

A little bid behind on the posting here. My apologies. Hope everyone had a happy Easter. It was a bit eventful in the kids ministry at church & I wasn't in service, so I don't really know what all went on. I do know from watching on the TV in the family room, and the communications afterwards, that it must have been awesome. Last week 30 people committed their lives to Christ. AMEN - sure helps you remember why we do what we do over in the kids ministry, particularly with the tiny ones. We've had people making decisions to committ their lives to Christ each week at TurningPoint since the launch. God is good and man, are we excited to be a part of it!

Today was probably the biggest Sunday since the launch. I almost had to have an usher find me a seat in the auditorium when I went in late after doing Check In at Kidzpoint. Our new series, called Baggage, has provided a real gut check so far. Our pastors have gotten quite honest through their messages and that's opening doors for others to just get real about what they're dealing with in their personal lives. I mean, let's all be honest here: we all have quirks and issues that we deal with daily, and now we're asking you to TALK ABOUT IT! Hard but good.

The message this morning was about addiction, and mentioned all the "big ones" like alcohol, money, and pornography. But underneath it all is often approval addiction, which we all struggle with to some extent. Loved the response method today that provided scripture verses to be taped to your mirror telling you who God says you are in His word. I've learned over the past couple of years that if you don't fill your mind with what God says, it will be filled by that awful little voice in your head and Satan's lies. Believing the lies will prevent you from realizing your potential in who God created you to be and you'll be missing out!

Next week we will be talking about depression during the message. I can say I'm interested to hear this because about a month or 2 ago I struggle with some sort of funk and started wondering about depression. My struggles were more with anxiety than depression, more to do with the devil than a mood altering event or situation. I know others who are going through that right now, and again I just reiterate reading what God's word says about you and who you are. After all, you were worth Christ dying - that's a lot.

We will be meeting with our connect group this week. Details to come via email/text/blog. Happy Sunday and come to Next Steps tonight at 6pm at church!

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