October 25, 2011

Catching Up

Do you always feel like you're catching up, rather than planning ahead or right on schedule? I do. I always think I'm going to really get ahead of the game on my Monday's at home with Em. Never happens.

In an effort to help you catch up, Cliff Notes method, with where we are in the book, Wes' notes will be posted on the blog. We want to see everybody at small group every other week.When we're also reading a book, it sometimes feels like we have to "do" something for our group meeting. But we would really just rather see your face. 

The next get together will be next week - November 1st (can you believe it's November?!)- not sure of the location just yet. But I'm sure we'll all be super pumped up on Halloween candy, right? That week we'll discuss Chapter 4. Sounds like a lot of weeks coverage, but really we did two chapters the first week. SO - review the notes to catch up or review to re-evaluate your experience with the book and the Holy Spirit or to prepare for the next small group gathering.

See you soon!

Forgotten God-Ch.1&2

What do you know about the Holy Spirit?

Some of what God’s word says about the Spirit (very basic stuff):
·       -  It’s purpose (John 14:16)
·        - It’s home (Romans 8:9, 1 Cor. 6:19-20)
·      -   It’s importance (John 16:7)
·       -  It’s power (All through Acts, but summed up in 4:13)
·      -   It’s results (fruits, Gal. 5:22)

If then we have this amazing counselor with us, shouldn’t there be a huge difference between ourselves and the rest of the world?  Why isn’t there?  Maybe it’s because we aren’t in touch with the power of the Holy Spirit in the way God meant for us to be.

2 Questions that serve as a kind of barometer to how much you experience the Holy Spirit in your own life on daily basis:

-Rhetorical Question 1: If you woke up tomorrow and discovered that it is not true that the Holy Spirit lives inside of us, how much different would your life look?
-Rhetorical Question 2: When was the last time you can say you undeniably saw the Spirit work in or around you?  If you find this difficult to answer, it may be that you are ignoring the Holy Spirit, or that you may have a lot of head knowledge about the Spirit, but not much of a relationship with Him.

This is the crux of the problem.  The goal is not to learn more head-knowledge about the Holy Spirit, although that may happen along the way.  The goal is to gain intimacy with the Spirit so that we experience His power and presence more fully in our life.

So what are we afraid of?
1) Fear of being wrong
  • Are you willing to look past “what you have always been told” (not that it is necessarily wrong) and let your mind be renewed by the truth of Scripture?  Are you ready to accept that you may have had some misconceptions or faulty theology regarding the Holy Spirit?
2) What if God doesn’t come through?
  • Are you afraid to trust in the bounty of promises God has made toward you?
3) Do I even want this?
  • Perhaps you are afraid of relinquishing control to the spirit?  Are you afraid of the pain that might come along with the changes He brings?  Are you afraid of where or what God might call you to?
4) Is my reputation in the way?
  • What will others within my circle think of me?  (Ex. “Conservative” vs. “Liberal” views of the Spirit.)
Quenching the Spirit- see what Francis says at end of chapter

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