June 18, 2012

Lovely Ladies

I'm following in the footsteps of my radio station, KLOVE, because they do Make A Difference Monday. They have people call in and tell of how they made a difference in someone's life, or how someone made a difference in their own life. I wanted to showcase these lovely ladies from TurningPoint Church. They're in a kitchen at Ronald McDonald House where they helped with dinner and clean up for the families there, specifically to make it a little easier on fathers having a (probably) less than ideal Father's Day. THIS is being Jesus to people. Simple as that. And these ladies are already crazy busy all the time - one has 5 children under the age of 14, others have toddlers and school age kiddos. And another is a mom of a mom in the picture! I, honestly, don't know how they do it and are still functioning in life. 
But, it's quite simple really:  I can do all things through Him who gives me strength (Philippians 4:13). 

Check out the Lexington Ronald McDonald House here

Kim is on the far right. 
Check out her blog about life, kids and being a pastor's wife here

Christina is third from the left and is a Thirty One Gifts consultant (among other talents), check out the super cute bags and organizational tools here

Cory is third from the right and the one with the 5 children, which includes one set of twins. She generously passed down some of their cute clothes to Emersen as well. She is amazing on a camera, check her out.
here or check it out on Facebook here.

And the other ladies so other fun things too - I just don't know about them yet! 

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