June 18, 2012

Lovely Ladies

I'm following in the footsteps of my radio station, KLOVE, because they do Make A Difference Monday. They have people call in and tell of how they made a difference in someone's life, or how someone made a difference in their own life. I wanted to showcase these lovely ladies from TurningPoint Church. They're in a kitchen at Ronald McDonald House where they helped with dinner and clean up for the families there, specifically to make it a little easier on fathers having a (probably) less than ideal Father's Day. THIS is being Jesus to people. Simple as that. And these ladies are already crazy busy all the time - one has 5 children under the age of 14, others have toddlers and school age kiddos. And another is a mom of a mom in the picture! I, honestly, don't know how they do it and are still functioning in life. 
But, it's quite simple really:  I can do all things through Him who gives me strength (Philippians 4:13). 

Check out the Lexington Ronald McDonald House here

Kim is on the far right. 
Check out her blog about life, kids and being a pastor's wife here

Christina is third from the left and is a Thirty One Gifts consultant (among other talents), check out the super cute bags and organizational tools here

Cory is third from the right and the one with the 5 children, which includes one set of twins. She generously passed down some of their cute clothes to Emersen as well. She is amazing on a camera, check her out.
here or check it out on Facebook here.

And the other ladies so other fun things too - I just don't know about them yet! 

June 15, 2012

Sunday Sunday

To get ahead of schedule, I'm posting about Father's Day this Sunday. We'll be celebrating with a cookout, games, fun, etc after a shorter Sunday service at TurningPoint Church. I'm thankful for a church presenting the opportunity to hang out with family and hang out with other families. And for providing the opportunity to eat!

Childcare will cover nursery/toddler for the shorter service, while junior/elementary will be welcomed in with the adults - so fun for them!

This is my personal invitation to anyone who reads the blog. We would love to have you join us to celebrate our dad's! Much to my....dismay? despair? blah?...there will be bounce houses for kids. And burgers, corn hole, etc. If we don't see you, Happy Father's Day!