March 22, 2012

Do it Do it!

This. Is. Hilarious.

And unfortunately, probably true for someone and somewhere. However, look how bad of an invite these people gave. And the person they asked SAID YES. Doesn't that give you hope? 

Who will you invite? We had our leadership meeting last night and those involved in the planning of the service are going to do Easter Sunday right. Things will be a little different, maybe in a different order or a different media, so you'll want to check it out. But as always, don't be afraid to invite anyone and everyone. Our goal at Turning Point Church is to make it a safe place to bring a friend, and to get out of the way so they can meet Jesus. And what day is more exciting that celebrating the day Jesus did what no other person has ever done in their own power - He ROSE FROM THE DEAD. HE'S ALIVE!

Make the ask! Give them food or candy instead of Easter eggs though...

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