November 16, 2011

Just Do It

Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people
Ephesians 6:7

Looking for other words related to or meaning to serve, offered up the word act/do something. Perfect. Exactly what I was thinking!

As our small group grows closer and hopefully larger, we need to turn towards an outward focus. This time of year is a great time to get inspired to do that; we just have to maintain the focus into 2012. 

In 2012, our church will be launching as TurningPoint Church. Already we've seen aspects of our facility transforming - we've also discovered the handy-ness of some members of our church: building the stage, sound booth and welcome center! Our mission has become "God cares about lost people, so we have to care about lost people" - a good thing because we were once lost too. With this as our mission, things we are doing around the facility are only outward expressions of our inward passions - to see more come to know God. 

As structure and positions change, and members are being placed in positions to serve, it's time for us to fish or cut bait. Well, it was for me at least. The Holy Spirit really clarified my priorities and scheduling practices in the past week or two. I complained that things weren't possible for me to participate in because I have a kid, because I work, because Wes has school. How could they expect me to be able to do anything!? In conversations with Wes and in prayer, it suddenly became clear (and when things "dawn on me" it's the Holy Spirit): I needed to rearrange things to serve the Lord, NOT expect opportunities to be catered to my schedule. What this means for me is less "free time" to sit around and be lazy, to commit to not working at home on Monday's unless absolutely necessary in order to set aside some time I can give to serving at church or other people.

In the book we're reading, Forgotten God by Francis Chan, he offered 2 challenges to why you don't feel your relationship is strong with the Holy Spirit: because your life is too comfortable or because it's too loud. Both were applicable for me. What am I doing that's inconvenient or uncomfortable for God? And the TV is the loudness for me. 

With that in mind, I'm finding ways to give more time or resources or knowledge to step out and do things that maybe I'm uncertain about because I need to rely on God, not myself. In taking the spiritual gifts/personality survey for church, the warning for someone with my personality type was to lighten up, be more enthusiastic and positive. This is accurate advice for me. I'm critical in nature and not pessimistic, but just not enthusiastic really. That's where my focus is: how can I serve and do it joyfully? Because look at what God did for me and I can't ______ [insert duty/service]? Sure I can, because I need to let him know I'm grateful for Him and Him saving me.

If you plan to check out TurningPoint, we have some informational meetings to help you learn about our beliefs/values, to learn what to do next as a Christian,and to find your gifts and how to serve. I encourage everyone in our small group and anyone else attending to check them out. 

NextSteps 101: Beliefs, values and what it means to be a member
NextSteps 201: Spiritual Growth - tools for growth
NextSteps 301: Spiritual gifts (EVERYONE has them) and where you fit 

Eventually there will be a 401 class for training for where you will serve, but not for about a year. There will only be one more 201 and 301 this year, then they'll all start over in rotation in March 2012. SO - jump into the 201 and 301 classes so you don't have to wait. You don't have to go to all at once or one before the other.

"Everybody can be great... because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love."
-Martin Luther King, Jr.

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