December 27, 2011

Last Minute

Last minute information - we're NOT meeting tonight. Aren't ya'll glad given the FRIGID cold that has blown in?!? I was hoping for more snow though.

Anyway, enjoy the holidays - extended holiday I supposed - with family or catching up with old friends, which is what we'll be doing. Making good on invitations to dinner, etc.

Just a reminder -  we will not be meeting on Sunday's in January at TurningPoint Church - we'll be setting aside time to reset and go out and invite people to the launch. We're brainstorming ideas for our group right now. Let us know if you have any! We'll keep you updated with information regarding other meeting times for prayer and worship too.

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and prepare for a Happy New Year - it's going to be a good one, I can tell.

December 13, 2011


Hello to all. We're moving our small group meeting to the church tonight. As I currently have a Christmas tree up in the room the kids normally play in, and storing presents there as well, plus it IS my mom's room when she stays with us.....we're going to setup at church tonight so the kiddos will have ample room to entertain themselves!

We'll still start at 6:30pm and be having a meal...only a location change. See ya'll later!

December 7, 2011

Back in the Game

We're back to the book next week and meeting at the Cooper's house. I don't know what your experience has been in reading this book, but I'd say it's been indirectly affecting my daily life. Since we've started reading the book, some changes have occurred or we've been made aware of changes that needed to occur. And I don't think we would have heard those whispers from the Holy Spirit if we had not been reading this book and had Him on our mind. Which is the whole point of the book! That we've the Holy Spirit is the "forgotten God," that we've neglected His role in our lives as Counselor. 

Hope you can join us as we continue in the book. Don't worry about catching up. The group meeting is more about doing life together than checking chapters off a list.

I did want to give a shout out to Courtnie in the small group for jumping on the Preschool Director position at church. She'll be awesome - she's a pro already with three kids - and will bring this new area of ministry to life. Can't wait to see where the members of our group plug in around the church to help fill the new roles available. If we find out place, we'll fulfill our passions.

See ya'll at 6:30pm on Tuesday night! Email or for more information or directions. 

December 5, 2011


I fell behind this past week - work is crazy and the launch of TurningPoint Church has kept us busy. Busy, but good busy. 

I don't have the details just yet of our small group meeting next week - will let you know as soon as we nail things down.

I do want to give some updates to the progress of the transition to TurningPoint Church. 

We will be implementing changes to the registration process for childcare as early as this upcoming Sunday. The children's ministry is now KidzPoint and there is a meeting for any person interested or who might be interested in helping with the ministry - from nursery to preschool to registration. Hopefully as the consumers of the childcare ministries we can all find some way to contribute to its success. I'll be serving in registration with Kim Mauney as we start up. 

Security measures around the church will be changing as well. As we have more people attending and as God works, we'll have more in giving. So we'll have boundaries setup for those handling the money to protect them from temptation as well as the temptation for others to question how things are handled. Childcare workers will undergo additional security checkpoints as well. There will also be a preschool area now for those 3-5 years old.

Most areas of ministry are being diversified to give those who have been serving (thankfully) diligently, but also being the only person who knows their area of service, a break and to set everyone up for success and prevent burn out. Wes is going to be serving in the tech/sound area some Sundays and they're looking for others to fill in here so there can be a good rotation. Each area of service aims to function completely independent of any person.

As the setup in the auditorium is finalized (lighting and sound) by next week I think, the focus will move to the stage/sound setup in the kids area. They will surely be super pumped to have a huge screen and get to do more in the area of video and song. And if you've been there any of the past Sunday's, you've seen the awesome worship that is taking place as people are excited about refocusing on our mission!

Additional things: You'll notice some new decor in the cafe area; a young lady has created a beautiful and unique chandelier there. A weekly bulletin/program will cease to exist and we'll have a handout that includes an easy way for people to let us know they attended. The information on it won't be time sensitive. Instead, information will filter through the screens in the cafe, the screen in the auditorium, and small groups. 

At the last launch meeting, we discussed how the budget process will work going forward as well. Our goal going forward is to have a built in margin as we continue to grow. As always, the budget breakdown is open book. Right now, the thing to remember will be that we're going to be a baby church as of February and we have to act our age. As we grow and age, additional ministries will re-enter the focus and we can expand. A certain percentage is limited to personnel pay and there will be overseers/elders to contribute to the breakdown. 
Lots of information and a lot to take in all at one time. I've always been one to want to know what is going on. As we continue as members who have been around a while, we will be meeting new attenders/members and it's imperative we be able to answer their questions, to know what's going on and know how things run. We'll be the guides to those who are new to the church. Additional guides will be found at the Welcome Center, who will point new attenders to the Next Steps program for further information.

Every Sunday I get more and more pumped up about things. We are finding it very helpful to have the priority on finding a place where YOU fit, doing something you're interested in because then you'll also take ownership and do it well. The attitude and mindset is that lost people matter to us because they matter to God. Therefore we want to present our best and honor our visitors (as Josh started preaching on this past Sunday). A culture that honors people, because we decide to, not because we think they do or do not deserve it.

If you haven't, check out the TurningPoint website here and check out the Facebook page as well. Josh blogs on the website as well and has been addressing some aspects of the transition as well.